How to Get the Look of Marble at an Affordable Price

Marble has been one of the most popular building materials for centuries due to its elegance and spotless appearance. However, natural marble slabs are expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Luckily, alternatives like marble tiles offer the same beauty at an affordable price.

Whether you’re a designer or a new homeowner, it’s essential to find suitable tiles at prices that are budget-friendly. This article will help you select the best Adelaide tiles manufacturer’s price for your home.


Marble is a popular building material that exudes elegance and reflects light to make rooms feel bigger and brighter. It is a natural material that can be used for flooring, countertops, and decor items. However, its high price prevents many consumers from installing it in their homes. One way to get the look of marble without the price tag is to use marble tile. Marble tiles come in various shapes, sizes and finishes and can be found at most home improvement stores.

When choosing marble tiles, it is essential to consider the stone’s quality and durability. The quality of the marble depends on the colour, veining, and texture. The more detailed the pattern and the heavier the veining, the more expensive the marble will be.

The marble cost also depends on the quality and type of slab from which it is derived. The thickness of the marble, known as its gage, affects the sturdiness and wearability of the tiles. The larger the tiles, the more expensive per square foot. The marble must be carefully cut and cared for from the quarry to your home.

Another option for achieving the look of marble is to use vitrified tiles. These tiles are great for high-traffic areas, such as hallways and bedrooms. They also come in a variety of anti-skid and slip-resistant finishes. This makes them a good choice for bathrooms, too.

Choosing between marble and vitrified tiles should be based on your budget, design requirement, space location, and utility. Both offer different benefits, but the latter has the added advantage of being eco-friendly. People are increasingly becoming responsible for the environment, which is a significant consideration for flooring. For more information about the Adelaide tiles manufacturer’s price, check this out. 


Travertine is a natural stone popular choice for homeowners seeking a dramatic, rustic, and refined look for their homes. The porous stone is quarried in large blocks and then shaped into tiles that can be used for flooring, backsplashes, shower surrounds, and more. Because rocks are formed in nature, they come with unique patterns that vary from tile to tile. This allows homeowners to create a one-of-a-kind design that will be uniquely their own.

In addition to its beautiful appearance, travertine is highly durable and easy to clean and maintain. Although it is more susceptible to staining than other types of natural stone, a thorough cleaning routine will help prevent build-up. Regular sweeping with a soft-bristled brush and a damp mop will remove dirt and other debris from the surface. In cases of severe build-up, poulticing can be used to dissolve and remove the substance from the stone’s surface.

Another benefit of travertine is that it is relatively soft, which makes it easier to cut than other types of natural stone and even porcelain. This makes it a perfect choice for use in areas where a high degree of flexibility is needed, such as in curved corners and around tubs and showers. Travertine is also easy to shape and can be carved into niches in walls or columns to create an elegant focal point.

The variety of colours and finishes available with travertine can complement almost any decor scheme. Cool-toned greys and silvery, nearly blues are excellent choices for a contemporary home, while neutral taupes can bring warmth and texture to a traditional room.


As the tile industry continues to innovate, it is becoming more accessible than ever to find tiles that perfectly reflect your unique style. Whether you are a builder, designer or new homeowner, there is no shortage of options. From ceramic materials that work best for mosaics to porcelain tiles that are incredibly durable, you can be sure you will find the perfect solution to complete your project. For more information about the Adelaide tiles manufacturer’s price, check this out.