SEO Auckland: Search Engine Optimisation and Link Building

Search engines such as Google index web pages and retrieve them instantly when queries are made, thanks to their indexes that store names of weblinks with keywords already saved for instant retrieval when making searches.

However, Harper Digital SEO Auckland actual ranking relies on complex and secret algorithms; their influencers vary over time.


Keywords are words and phrases search engines use to locate content online, making keyword selection a vital part of Harper Digital SEO Auckland campaigns and successful online businesses. Selecting relevant keywords can help draw in organic traffic that converts into increased conversions and revenue for your business.

Keywords should be tailored specifically to your product or service and chosen carefully to attract target audiences while remaining manageable. One effective way of selecting keywords is using an online tool like Ahrefs, which provides a list of pertinent terms and their search volumes; the more specific the keyword, the less competition there will be.

An old-fashioned thesaurus can help broaden your list of options. For example, if a word you are searching has multiple synonyms, enter each synonym into the thesaurus as you would enter keywords into a search engine to see what results come back.

An additional approach to keyword analysis is to consider their intent. There are four categories of search intent – informational, navigational, commercial and transactional. Each indicates why someone may be searching, providing more accurate data that allows you to make informed decisions for marketing campaigns.


Metadata is essential for search engine optimisation to inform search engines what your website is all about and help your content rank better on a search engine results page. Metadata includes elements like title tags and descriptions. Title tags, in particular, can make or break Harper Digital SEO Auckland efforts since they show up directly under links in SERP snippets visible to searchers – thus having significant influence.

A meta description is a paragraph of text that provides an overview of a page on a website, typically included in the head> of each webpage and displayed as part of a SERP snippet alongside page title and URL. A good meta description should describe its content clearly and compellingly while being unique, as Google may truncate any duplicate descriptions in SERPs; its maximum length (excluding spaces) should not exceed 155 characters.

Most people aren’t aware that metadata is an essential element of website optimisation; those who are aware may find themselves daunted by its creation process. With some knowledge and an approach tailored towards optimising it properly, however, optimising website metadata can become a manageable task. Key to its success: understanding various types of metadata as they pertain to your content.

Link building

Link building is getting other websites to link back to your content, an essential aspect of SEO that can help increase its rank in search results. 

Links are clickable text or images that point a browser or search engine directly to another page on your website, also known as backlinks. Links are essential in establishing credibility for a page and its ranking; generally speaking, the more high-quality backlinks a page has, the better it performs.


Search engine optimisation depends on various factors, but quality content is paramount to success. Aiming for high-quality, authoritative writing that keeps visitors satisfied will increase your visitors and draw links from other websites, ultimately improving your rank on search engine result pages. In addition, optimising for mobile devices should not be forgotten either!

Search engines such as Google index and classify websites by their content, using it to determine their rank on search engine result pages. Content quality can be judged based on keywords used, relevancy to search query, readability and structure.

Though SEO strategies vary greatly, one of the most effective is creating pages that directly answer a specific query or problem. Google Hummingbird introduced natural language processing and semantic understanding, allowing more accurate results relevant to user queries. Furthermore, excessive fluff in web pages will harm rankings rather than help.

Even though search engine vendors prioritise different aspects of websites and web content differently, following top SEO tips will ensure that your website ranks well with them. It includes using appropriate keywords in your text content, structuring it logically, and including relevant links to other resources.